
Three - Quick Update

What’s next? I have started well with a couple of new Blue Team fields and have been studying at them. Will publish findings and progress sonn! I have formed a well routine lately and will star...

Two - LetsDefend - PCAP Analysis Challenge

Intro PCAP Analysis Challenge is a relatively easy challenge where we’re provided with logs from P13’s computer and we’re supposed to answer the questions. PCAP? What is that? PCAP stands for pack...

One - Kioptrix 1 Writeup

Intro Kioptrix 1 is a boot2root style box, where the main objective is to gain root access on the machine in any way possible. For this machine, we don’t get any flags to flaunt. Enumeration To ...


With the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, comes a new commitment “And now, the curtain rises”

OverTheWire Wargames - Bandits

Intro Bandits wargame is one of the most basic game and is aimed toward beginners. There are a total of 33 levels and the levels get harder and the underlying vulnerable technology changes. The lev...

Vulnhub - Empire Breakout Writeup

Intro Breakout is an easy box freely available on vulnhub website. The author of the box describes it as a CTF styled box and it need a fair amount of enumeration just like the previous Empire box....

Vulnhub - Empire LupinOne Writeup

Intro LupinOne is a medium box freely available on vulnhub website. The author of the box describes it as a CTF styled box and mentions it requires as much enumeration as possible. And as usual, w...

Vulnhub - Earth Writeup

Intro Earth is an easy box freely available on the vulnhub website. The author of the machine defines it as a little bit on the harder side of the easy category and as always, there are two flags ...

Vulnhub - Mercury Writeup

Intro Mercury is an easy box, freely available on vulnhub. The creator of the machine mentions on the page that there are two flags, one being the user flag and the other being the root flag, so n...